Why Aurat (Women's) March 2023 is trending in Pakistan ?

The Aurat March, which translates to Women's March, is an annual event that takes place in major cities across Pakistan on International Women's Day (March 8). The march is a platform for women to raise their voices and demand equal rights, challenge the patriarchal norms that govern society, and highlight the issues that women face in their everyday lives.

The Aurat March was first organized in Pakistan in 2018 and has grown in popularity and significance ever since. The marches are organized by a diverse group of women, including students, activists, and members of civil society. The participants come from all walks of life, representing a range of ages, ethnicities, religions, and backgrounds.

The Aurat March has been both praised and criticized for its message and methods. On the one hand, it has provided a platform for women to voice their concerns and grievances, and it has brought attention to important issues such as gender-based violence, workplace discrimination, and reproductive rights. On the other hand, it has faced backlash from conservative groups who view it as a threat to traditional values and societal norms.

One of the key features of the Aurat March is the use of slogans and placards to convey messages. These slogans and placards often use humor and irony to challenge gender norms and highlight the absurdity of patriarchal attitudes. Some of the slogans from previous marches include "My body, my choice," "Stop telling women how to dress, start teaching men not to rape," and "Khana garam kar lo," which translates to "Warm up your own food," a reference to the expectation that women should always be responsible for cooking and housework.

The Aurat March has also faced criticism for its alleged promotion of "western" values and ideas, which some conservative groups argue are incompatible with Pakistani culture and Islam. However, the organizers of the march have emphasized that their demands are rooted in the principles of equality, justice, and human rights, and that they are not seeking to undermine the values and traditions of Pakistan.

In conclusion, the Aurat March is an important event that provides a platform for women to raise their voices and demand equal rights and justice. While it has faced criticism from some quarters, it has also been praised for its message and methods. The march is a reminder that the struggle for gender equality is far from over, and that it will take sustained effort and commitment to achieve meaningful change.
